Sunday, January 17, 2010

Ohio State Baby!

Around September or October, a friend of mine from high school contacted me to make a quilt for her husband as a Christmas present. He is a very big Ohio State fan so obviously this is what needed to be done :-) I always enjoy being able to send my quilts out instead of just here in Wellsboro so it was nice to know that I was sending it down by Washington. As for the first time actually sending one out and getting money from it, the process went really well. And now I hear that he loved his Christmas present which makes me feel the best I ever could.

For this quilt I used gray, white and red. If I were to do it over again, I would put more gray into the quilt. Otherwise I was very happy with it. It's basically a red and white diagnol quilt with five 9-squares thrown in of red and gray. Each block was about 5". There was a red binding and red backing as well.

P.S. Sorry the pictures aren't that good in this one.

Rachel's Quilt

The girl that Justin worked with, Rachel, asked us to make her a third quilt! I was so excited and I loved the colors so I probably would have done it whether she was actually interested or not. Appearantly it was the colors in a friends' wedding so she was going to give the newly married couple the quilt as a gift.

It was definately one of my harder quilts to do. I had never had so many triangles and designs before. The squares are about 5" in gray, black and red. The red actually looks as if it is covered in flower petals. I thought it was absolutely beautiful when I found it. I'm not sure what the pattern is called but I know that I found it in one of my grandmother's sewing books.
P.S. Rachel has not paid for the quilt yet so we are only giving her a few more weeks. If you happen to be interested in this quilt, please contact me for information.