Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Sheena C.

I made this quilt for Sheena C. It is a picture taken before I sewed any of the pieces together. I was just seeing how the finished product would look. The heart is done in a Southwest Indian pattern surrounded in a sea of turquoise. There is a black border with purple squares at each corner. I put a black binding around and also a black backing to tie it all together. This is small enough that it could be used as a wallhanging or as a decor piece to be placed upon the back of a chair or couch .

Sheena was another one of my pledge sisters in Kappa back in 04! Wow, I can't believe it's been so long! Sheena was an education major and for her student teaching she packed her bags and headed out west to a Navajo reservation in Arizonia. Finally she came home to the woods of PA letting us all know that she would be heading back out for a full-time teaching position once she graduated. So as a going away present, I gave this quilt to her at our last Chinese date. The pattern on the heart is there for obvious reasons. The purple squares, which I know kinda clash, are more for sentimental reasons. They came off of a float that we did for Kappa when I was up for homecoming queen (the last year we were in it together). I know they don't go but I wanted to give her a heart of her future with a few little reminders of her past.

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